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The New Jewish Record
editorial from Der Tog (The Day), June 7, 1927.

Clarence D. Chamberlin and Charles A. Levine have done it, too! They, too, have flown the Atlantic Ocean and made the trip from New York to Germany. Chamberlin and Levine have set a new record in non-stop air travel. They spanned a distance of a little more than 4,000 miles in 42 hours. This means they have broken the record set by Charles A. Lindbergh who flew 3,630 miles in 33.5 hours. A new record of bravery, heroics, and human endeavor! A new record in the latest and most exciting human sport!

But another record has also been set by the successful trip of the airplane "Columbia". This is the record of Jewish bravery, courage, and fortitude in the triumphant human march over the forces of blind nature.

We are no longer obliged to prove that Jews are just as capable and strong on the field of physical bravery as they are on the field of intellectual achievement. Every front during the war from 1914-1918 could tell the story of Jewish courage and heroism. Every sport bears the names of Jewish players and record-holders.

Until recently, however, we have heard little of Jewish pilots giving themselves over to flying. And so it has fallen upon a New York Jew, the son of immigrants from Vilna, to show that the Jew does not stand on the sidelines of the newest, noblest, and most important of human accomplishments.

Together with the gentile Chamberlin, Levine has risked his life with stalwartness and looked the greatest fear right in the eyes. Together with the American Christian Chamberlin, the American Jew Levine has broken the record of air-travel.

Levine has demonstrated more than physical courage. He is a rich man. He has enough money to live high and wide for all his days and to allow himself all life has to offer. But for him the option of material wants was not important, as long as it was not what other pilots wanted. Just the will to match other great pioneers, visionaries, and heroes inspired him to give his all in an attempt to craft a glorious future.

In this way Charles A. Levine is a hero. But it is not just Americans, or Jews, who are proud of him today. The anti-Semites in Germany and the anti-Semites around the world will have to take their hats off to Levine, the Jew, no less than they would for the "Nordic" Lindbergh and Chamberlin. Charles A. Levine has created a new high point in the history of Jewish records.

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