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Nothing : Yiddish Radio Project

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Learn about WEVD's Forward Hour on which Zvee Scooler was regularly featured.


"Nothing," an editorial in verse by Zvee Scooler, WEVD's legendary Rhyme Master.

Zvee Scooler, the "Grammeister" (Rhyme Master), was heard each week on WEVD's Forward Hour presenting a commentary in rhyme on the week's news. While no recordings of Scooler's original Forward Hour performances survive, the Grammeister occasionally went into the studio to rerecord his verses for syndication outside New York. It's to this circumstance that we owe the survival of the following meditation on the subject of "nothing," which was recorded on December 26, 1947, for broadcast on WDAS in Philadelphia.

Listen now to "Nothing" with your RealPlayer.

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